Sunday, December 27, 2009

Rent A Hummer In Michigan

Christian Thought:" Remain in Him makes all the difference "

Here is a Christian thought that God put me in my heart for my friends in the Net:

"Remain in Him makes all the difference! "

" I am the vine, ye are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in the same bears much fruit: for without me you can do nothing "(John 15: 5).

Play your prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, you're the author of my salvation. In you I believe and receive eternal life. It also keep you came to me through your Holy Spirit that enables me to live your life and makes me able to serve you. Staying in you, makes all the difference! nothing we can undertake ourselves and succeed without your assistance. And without your life in us, our lives will remain sterile and can not bear any fruit of the Christian virtues that only your life is capable of producing in us. Therefore, in sending you to your disciples you insisted on need for them to remain in you. Your disciple John in your words relating wrote this: "I am the vine, ye are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in the same bears much fruit: for without me you can do nothing "(John 15: 5). Lord Jesus Christ, you want us to bear much fruit in your image that glorify your name as branches that remain attached to the vine. Avail himself of yourself and do not exhibit the traits of your life in our own lives is self-delusion, is to deceive the world and it is to mock God. Your salvation is a work you're doing in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit who works the miracle of transformation. When this transformation is not obvious, when sin continued to dominate ours is that we do not really encountered thee: for thou canst not live in a heart without making a difference, without transforming the life of this person. That's why you said that he who abides in you and in which you live, this one is your fruit. That is to say that this person lives as you lived. Becoming a Christian is more than intellectual assent, is to receive you personally in her heart and leave you to perform the daily miracle of transformation. Living faith in you leads us to acknowledge you as Lord of our life and it pushes us to submit to your commands. And where your commands are accepted and lived, where your life shine like a diamond in all its magnificence. The heart in which you live and your Holy Spirit filled, is experiencing a new life as a heart s'affectionne now things of the Spirit. Your Spirit in us, distracts us from ourselves and direct our gaze to you Lord Jesus Christ for you reveal to us in all your glory and we get to love your life and live your life to glorify you. Thus, with our permission, your Holy Spirit you have made to dwell in us in our conversion to you, our gradual transformation operates in your image. Yes, life has really given to you, Lord my God, becomes your yard where your Spirit is working to produce them your life, Lord Jesus Christ, hope of glory. So, for your presence in our hearts, your light of glory shines every day ever in our lives and transforms us from glory to glory to your likeness (2 Corinthians 3: 18, Colossians 1 :27-29). Lord Jesus Christ is a grace and a great privilege to have known you. But it is also a glorious vocation for everyone who believed in you. For we who have this grace to believe, you made your light shine Life in our hearts so that our lives do shine in the Church and the world, the knowledge of God's glory, the glory as we gaze upon thy face and reflected on every true Christian who lives in you and in which you live. The true Christian is like your glorious image, Lord Jesus Christ. When a church that must shine your glory is clouded by the darkness because the Devil has become the benchmark, it has lost its vocation and purpose in this world. You are very saddened to see your church which bears little fruit to your likeness. Your heart is broken when you see the amount of people who claim to represent you in a little church in the quality of your life which must spring from within them to dump as much as a light and pleasant smell of perfume worldwide. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ comes to the aid of your Church, by the victory of the resurrection, all the time you see that is missing from his oil lamp and let your light flickers within it and does light over the world to show them the path. Lord Jesus Christ helps us in your church, when you see your lost sheep nature sheep and begin to look like rabies dogs ready to bite and hurt other sheep or shepherds of your flock. Forgive us, Lord Jesus Christ for the cartoons of images that we present in this world by our witness that truly tarnished your image instead of your real image shine and glorify your name. Lord Jesus Christ, I want the days, weeks, months and years that you give me to live again on this earth, either you give me opportunities to shine the light of the glorious reflection of your image in my life. This is also why I want to be daily, weekly and year that you give to live in your homes that are admirable. I want my life to be the reflection of your sweet-smelling perfume for people in my community among whom I live for and serve as testimony to better expansion of the gospel in this world Liberator. Get your scent Lord Jesus Christ, that you make known to those around us by showing them the fragrance of the heavenly atmosphere that lives in us by your presence in our hearts and that emerges from our lives make a difference. I never blessed with your holy and glorious name of my Lord and my God upon whom all my confidence. Amen! .

Your friend and brother in Christ, Pastor Samuel

To meet our thinking here Email: See other thoughts: Archive on Christian thoughts or opening a link from our partners: A tour to Burkina Faso on ; Thoughts of the Week cijevangile . net

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Pasteur Simplice Osse, responded with good wishes and encouragement on 29/12/2009:

Good Day New Year and may the Lord acorde advantage
strength and peace for the work that you confide in the region. He
that you call will remain faithful to MENR out its work in you and through you

Greetings to the whole church from us.

Pasteur Osse Simplice
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Theophilus and Mary, have responded with good wishes and encourager 12/29/2009:

Dear Brother
With my wife Mary we want to wish you a happy new year 2010.
We prayed for you regularly and we want to do in 2010 also because you are dear to our hearts.
We know that our bond is not the result of "chance", but it is part of God's plan. And we are grateful, as we appreciate your commitment to our side in the same fight for Him.
We know that 2010 is a year of challenge in the world. But if outsiders may fear, rightly, upcoming events, alert us Christians have the privilege of knowing the Lord's promises. And, through the events we distinguish the most important of all, that of His promise. Maranatha!
So this year is not one of despair but that all aspects of your life or that of the Victory of Christ and our next issue.
Bless you and thank you to kindly convey our fraternal affection also to those whom the Lord has entrusted to you.

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Ms. Jeanine CROS, France, replied on 29/12/2009:

Thanks Samuel for this encouraging message,

It remains true that we are constantly invited by the Lord to "remain in Christ and bear fruit. " O
our lives and our prayers are truly a fragrance of Christ the Lord
guard each of his sheep, who shares her suffering, to practices that His Holy Spirit, can not approve.

Thanks Samuel for your example of forgiveness, as the Lord asks us, thanks to the Lord who speaks to the heart, and leads some to repentance, and others to perseverance in the test.

Our sighs are enrolled in heaven.

Our Lord is the winner! ; To Him be the glory! Amen.

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Pastor Rudolph GOZEGBA, Central, responded on 28/12/2009:

Hello dearly loved

It is with pleasure that inexplicable every week, I open and read your mail. I would like here in a word, you say congratulations on your efforts, your multiple approaches and style show me all the events that the church has experienced! I found your photos very interesting, very well done and good qualities. Know that these things are read and seen with great interest and even addiction. Therefore I can only thank you especially for the knowledge you give me with what you do day and night. Thank you very much and please continue to do so.

I do not forget the team that you work together. May the Lord bless and that gives opportunities to productivity.

May the Lord bless his church and that you care.

Pastor Rudolph

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Dear Samuel and Louise
I can not stay too long silent about the goodness that was really needed.
May God bless you and grant you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010 is looming around the corner.
Remains blessed in everything you do.
Brother Justin ocso studient in Nairobi Wish You a
Marry Christmas to you all!

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Marc Booker, Belgium, on 28/12/2009 replied:

Thank you, brother Samuel! I watched the activities in church on your blog. It really feels good in your heart!
Thanks and all my wishes for a splendid and glorious in Christ.
God bless you and your family.
The Biker Booker

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George and Mado CARLSON, France, replied on 28/12/2009:

Dear friends in Christ,
We appreciate your brotherly love, thank you for your messages and songs to the Glory of Our Lord, we are with you in spirit.
We hope that Christmas was held in the joy of the Lord as together we honor his word "Be full of affection to each other with sincerity, kindness, love." We wish you a New Year in the rich blessings of our Lord Jesus, continue to serve him, he knows the difference between right and wicked, continue to bear fruit thus OUR FATHER glorified because we are his disciples. Dear friend (s) we recommend you to grace our HEAVENLY DAD and believe in our loving thoughts.
Friendship in Christ George and Mado.

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Pastor Jean-Marc AUSSET, France, replied on 28/12/2009:

Dear Samuel,
I am pleased once again to see how the Lord works in his loyalty towards his Church amongst you, Colsama.Les photos, messages and songs bear witness to the transforming power of the Gospel in the hearts and are evidence of your loyalty. The word of God is still able, through his creative power to transform lives and to instill new life full of love and justice.
Stay in the vine is to be assured of receiving the nutrients it needed to develop this new life in us.
the Lord of glory continue to provide you a lifetime of new year that lies before you.
I spoke the word of the Lord, source of true life, p llow me to leave you a text that emphasizes the uniqueness of this word does not come out as the mouth of God .
With love Christian.

SIMPLE WORDS OF MAN? to you to judge!

Many men whose name is engraved in the annals of mankind or because of the virtues of their lives, from the meanness of their acts: statesmen, poets, soldiers, politicians, writers, musicians and philosophers who have left traces of their passage here, but that time has eroded or covered with silt from oblivion.

Only witnesses of their past reputation, some of their words made famous they still remain by the symbolism they convey.

- is the "tu quoque, mi fili "You too, my son, who expresses the pain of Caesar when he sees among his assassins, Brutus, his adopted son.

- is the "eureka" Archimedes who expresses his joy when he discovered suddenly in his bath, the law of the eponymous thrust on the body immersed in water.

- is the cry of pride of Caesar: "Veni, vidi, vici" I came, I saw, I conquered, he addressed the Senate to tell the speed his victory over Pharnaces King of Pontus.

- this word is the Latin poet Horace presumptuous to say that a century of our era: "I will not die because my whole work will outlive me."

- is the cry of bitterness of Cicero who speaks against the evil men of his time: "O tempora, o mores, 'o time, o mores!

- This cry of foolish pride that threw in the face of the world, Nero, when he will be slaughtered, "qualix artifex pereo ! "What a great artist dies with me

The list is long of those whose words were in their time, their place in everyday language!

But what about today "alea jacta is" the die is cast, delivered by Caesar at the Rubicon, or "I am, I remain" Mac Mahon ?

Words, just words that dictionaries are only track!

And what of those who voted?!

Who remembers Caesar, Archimedes, Horace, Nero or Cicero, if not a handful of students, professors of classics or history of preference for which they are a necessary?

What impact, these great men, do they have in the lives of our contemporaries?

But now, defying the ravages of time and the contingencies of space, will hear an incredible statement:

" heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall not pass ! "(Gospel of Matthew ch24v35).

Who dared to utter such words that defy human reason?

is the very man who in Jerusalem, during his interrogation by the high priest, chief of the Jewish religious authorities who asked him: "I charge thee by the living God to tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God! "Replied," you said! .

Such an assertion that could not lead his speaker to a certain conviction, carries the stamp of truth and sincerity.

This Jesus, Christ, the Son of God, whose memory has been erased by time or neither slander that I invite you to meet and discover through these few lines.

His resurrection, which is the most outstanding event and the most glorious of all human history, marked by the seal of truth and authenticity of all his words and his speeches.

His message of love has transformed lives, transformed and transcended stunted existences, and even today, he continued throughout his work on the land of hello.

Neither emperor nor a general nor a philosopher nor a mathematician but a simple carpenter's son from the village of Nazareth his name is still shining in letters of fire, because Jesus Christ is the Son of God!

" Never man spake like this man ! "(Gospel of John ch7v46) and the ushers were expressed before the priests, who witnessed his crucifixion.

But so what were those words that aroused such an assessment?

Listen only one who said them and judge for yourselves!

Gospel of John ch 14 v 6:

" I am the way, truth, life. No one comes to the Father by me! "(God the Father means here)

Gospel of John ch 11 v 25:

" I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even though he dies! "These words

spawned by a ferment of revolution as they disrupt our critical criteria and our thought patterns! But this is a spiritual revolution whose concept is alien to our traditional ways of classifying psychological and physical phenomena.

And yet we are compelled to note that this also a reality that everyone can attest to all those who have experienced throughout the ages and which can describe the internal changes they experienced when they accepted the word as true and trustworthy. .

These words of Christ challenge all those who hear them because of their density and their extraordinary character.

None other than the Son of God himself, could be the author, both in scope than what the man most inventive and boldest is able to conceive.

The texts referred to, speaking resurrection and life, explode with greatness and glory of the Son of God, along with his power, victorious over death itself.

However, the greatness of Jesus Christ comes into its own when he mentions his own sacrificial death.

Matthew 20v26:

" the son of man came not to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many . "John 15 v12


" There is no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you. "

Undoubtedly, if you keep reading until this line is that Jesus Christ, through his words has attracted your attention. I invite you to know him better by discovering through his biographies that give us the New Testament.

The last of his words which should not leave you indifferent is from the Gospel of John ch 3 v 16:

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whosoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life. "

Simple words of men? What do you think?

Jean-Marc AUSSET, October 28, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Nasal Infection More Condition_symptoms

Christian Thought:" Do you know and you do know is our purpose in this world "

Here's a thought Christian God puts me in my heart for my friends in the Net:

"and you know you do know is our purpose in this world "

" Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. And he said unto them, Thus it is written that Christ will suffer and rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things "(Luke 24 :45-48).

Send this prayer to Him who grants salvation:

Lord Jesus Christ, it is a great privilege to have known you. Me, a sinner, once removed from my Creator, here I am now one of your beloved, friend and brother you are the Creator of the universe, you, the creator of the Eternal Word made flesh in this world to become my Savior, my Friend, my Brother with whom I became co-heir of the heavenly kingdom. Your great love has been shown to me by your incarnation not only performed the nativity that we celebrate at Christmas, but also and especially by your death on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins and resurrection from the dead that as we celebrate Easter and celebrate every Sunday. You have reconciled with my Creator and you make me enjoy the privileges of being a citizen of the Kingdom of heaven. Through forgiveness you grant me for my sins, you brought me into a big family that is your church, consisting of all those who know you and are your disciples. Thou art the head of this family that resembles a body that has many members and a single head. You are the head of the Church in your body. You joined this family by strong bonds of divine love that crossed the boundaries of nations, tribes, languages, races and other barriers to build bridges that can unite those who once were far and separated by prejudice or other than your cross came to be demolished. Thanks to your knowledge, all your true disciples can know and experience true fellowship. Glad to know you and be yours, but also happy to take responsibility for you to inform those who have not themselves the privilege of knowing you. know you and you do know is our purpose in this world. Every true disciple made disciples for you. For thy gospel, when actually received in a heart, he not only transforms the life of the person who has received, but he allows that person to bear much fruit with the ability to lead lost souls to you to save them from eternal fire. That's what you call us after we have saved. The Evangelist Luke says your words with this mission that you entrust to us as we both now and in your first disciples there are over two thousand years "Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. And he said unto them, Thus it is written that Christ would suffer and rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things "(Luke 24 :45-48). All those who claim to be your disciples the mission to impact and positively transform their communities with your message of love and forgiveness that is not a formula or a theory but must respond to real needs and connect with people today, according to the pattern you have us on your own legacy. You we Team to enable us to communicate the Good News that brings life and transforms lives. Wherever your Holy Spirit works in lives that you have impacted It becomes a spiritual atomic energy which is chain reaction (Acts 1: 8, 2 :1-12). It makes every Christian a tool that is triggering the spiritual atomic power to increase the amount of your Life, Lord Jesus Christ in this world by converting about you every day new people who open their heart to receive you and which in turn make you known to others around them in their community. It is the mark of the normal life of a true church or your life, this spiritual atomic power is present and released by your true followers , Because it brings life and not death, and because your life is meant to be shared and communicated to all those who have not yet received (Acts 4 :4,18-31, 5: 12 - 14; 6: 7, 8 :26-40, 9: 31, 35.42. Wherever your life is missing, the Lord Jesus Christ, there develops an atmosphere of spiritual death characterized by all the works of the pulpit (Galatians 5 :19-21). Where your Gospel is received, believed and lived, the Lord Jesus Christ, then it becomes a power whose gravitational pull is irresistible. His ability to transform lives that it is convincing because it is not received as a formula, but a reality that is embodied in the daily lives of those in whose hearts you live. Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I want you to be seen in my life with the virtues that characterize yourself in the Gospels. Let your Holy Spirit take control of my entire life. My mouth opens to announce your wonders, the Good News of salvation and forgiveness of sins. Thank you Lord to be associated with your work to be one of your messengers who know you and work to make you understand, to be the bearer of the gospel of life that transforms lives and try to be a marker that can contribute the transformation of my community to your image. Blessed be your wonderful name. Amen! .

Your friend and brother in Christ, Pastor Samuel


To meet our thinking here Email: See other thoughts: Archive on Christian thoughts or opening a link from our partners: A tour to Burkina Faso on ; Thoughts of the Week cijevangile . net

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Gozegba Pastor Rudolph, Central, replied on 23/12/2009:

Dear Lord in the morning,

I just wanted to thank you for your efforts night and day for our Lord and tell you my support. Know that the Lord will not forsake you. It will reward you a hundredfold in a timely manner. Whether to give a word of encouragement to the church which you are responsible is to say: The path is still long, but courage and she knows that the Lord will always remember her.

All my thoughts are with you

You are blessed

Pastor Rudolph

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Jeanine Cros, France, responded on 23/12/2009:

Thanks Samuel for new promising.

May our Lord and Savior, keep us in the joy of the awareness of him who alone illuminates the night of Christmas and beyond!
Rm 15. 13: May God who gives hope fill you with peace and joy! .

In his love, mercy, forgiveness!

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Pastor Jean-Marc AUSSET, France, replied on 21/12/2009:

My dear Samuel,
I join you in the joy that is yours to make known to all the good news of salvation offered free through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I am enclosing the text that echoes what you wrote in your prayers.


strange assertion seems to contradict the popular adage: the words fly away, writings remain!

It is also necessary to define what is meant by "words".

In this case, it is not a question of form, verbal or written, but the background, content, meaning which these words carry.

Some words are so light, so meaningless, frivolous if the slightest breeze carries them away like dead leaves. Others are so dense, so rich in meaning, so rooted in a soil that breathes truth they stand the test of time.

Some even, by what they express, seem to defy time and carry with them like a perfume of eternity!

The two texts are presented to you in this vein.

These verses introduce respectively Psalm 95 and Psalm 96 that we find in the Bible.

Psalm 95:

"Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord!

Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation!

Come out to meet Him with thanksgiving,

Let sounding hymns in his honor!

For the LORD is a great God.

It is a great King above all gods! "

Psalm 96:

" Sing unto the Lord a new song!

Sing to the Lord, all ye inhabitants of the earth!

Sing to the Lord, bless his name,

Advertise day to day his salvation!

Tell his glory among the nations,

Among the peoples his wonders! "

there in the literature of men a single text that is animated by such a blast, so powerful, such a conviction, such a momentum and that offers readers a spectacle as grand and prospects?

While you will be able to marvel at such and such a gem expertly crafted by the pen of a great writer or a famous poet, and you may be transported by the beauty of images that evoke nature in that it can have delicate as majestic, peaceful or otherwise tumultuous awakening in you the full range of your feelings, you will perhaps be as upset by the admirable praises carried by a great voice at the funeral of a person of high rank accompanied to the Pantheon, and these are natural reactions!

But, however, you must recognize that once these big emotions off, you just a memory in the past that time will take care of hopelessly blurred.

fact is that, admirable though these texts are also moving these speeches, they only describe objects, animate or inanimate, which are part of a passing world and dies, sending us tragically in our human condition stigmatized by its transience!

So goes the breath that extolled, creature creation and, inevitable in a return to its roots, earth, end of all hopes and all illusions!

But back to the Psalms we read the first verses and you will discover the underlying reasons that make them exceptional texts!

Here, no sadness, no fear, no regrets sterile, no tears, true or false, no face stuffy, no emotions or feelings labile fugitive!

Item not more inward-looking in pain and suffering, no more than savored in enjoyment of the narrow circle of his intimate me selfish!

Here, everything is combined in the plural in a communion of joy that feeds on the joy of each other to go further intensify in an upward motion that leaves the earth to ascend to heaven!

But what or whom do we owe such enthusiasm?

Where does this force of attraction which thus causes such an outcry?

In what mysterious place, how invigorating source as the psalmist did he go his inspiration to dare to proclaim the universal call also?

Summons Does the size, intelligence or power of a man raised to the rank of demi-god in the image Roman winners advance to the finale?

Or better yet, does it refer to the demiurge of Plato in his Timaeus, is presented as a pure intelligence authorizing the cosmos? Not at all!

Summons Does the natural elements as much or entities supermundane immanent gods could justify such enthusiasm?

Not at all! For, indeed, the eye of the Psalmist is attracted by a character infinitely more senior whose stature and power beyond any human conception. It is, nothing less than the great King who reigns over all the gods!

Better yet! It bears the glorious name of Jehovah the great God who dwells in heaven.

Better yet! It is presented as God the Creator.

Better yet! It is called the rock of our salvation.

Therefore, we understand better the riches of the resonances which vibrate these texts that have survived to reach us today ..

More than that, they know how to vibrate the strings of our hearts, naturally sensitive to the dimension of eternity.

And it is because the Lord God, everyone has the concept of eternity that the image of the "rock of our salvation" also called "the Rock of Ages' takes on even greater relief.

But now this "rock of salvation" which the psalmist speaks with so much flame, implicitly recalling the saving action of the LORD for Israel, its people, here it stands before us in features an unusual character, even those of Jesus Christ, the Son of God became the son of man for the salvation of men.

This Jesus who left us these words that no one on earth has dared say:

"If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me and drink. Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water flow from within him. "(Gospel of John ch 7v38 cf Isaiah 12V3 ch and ch 55v1)

The apostle Paul, addressing the Christians of Corinth (1 Cor ch10v1à4) affirms the preexistence of Jesus Christ by presenting in metaphorically as the "spiritual rock" which followed his people into the desert to quench his thirst:

"Our fathers drank in the wilderness the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ. "

What's more, if not that strong from what we know about the grace of God manifested in Jesus Christ who died for the redemption of our sins and rose for our justification, all things does the psalmist was a glimpse, we can not we go with the same breath from above in a gushing praise of our hearts overflowing with eternal gratitude.

So, my friends, come sing joyfully to the Lord!

Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation!

Telling his glory among the nations,

Among the peoples his wonders!

Jean-Marc Ausset, on 15/11/2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Boat Shower Curtain Rod

Christian Thought: "To love is to act for the good of the other (continued)

Voici une pensée chrétienne que Dieu me met à cœur pour mes amis du Net :

« Aimer c’est agir pour le bien de the other (continued) "

" For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life "(John 3: 16).

You can send this prayer to Him who so loved you:

Lord Jesus Christ, thou who hast so loved because you did for me what no one else in this world could do for me. You saved me from the wrath and damnation hanging over my shoulders because of my sins. You carried yourself on the weight of my sins and you were found in my place. You have been crucified on a cross to pay with your blood the price demanded for atonement of my sins. Resurrection from the dead the third day confirmed that your sacrifice for our redemption has been accepted by the Heavenly Father. Your love for me is really immeasurable. You have thus shown that love is to act for the good of others. O Lord Jesus Christ, thou hast done well for my eternal dimensions. For you, God showed us His love by saving us from our sins and make us citizens of his eternal kingdom. The Evangelist John expresses this with the statement: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but that have eternal life "(John 3: 16). is a simple statement that a child can understand. Meanwhile, this declaration of your love for humanity manifested lost is so deep that theologians could never exhaust discover its implications. Lord Jesus Christ, true love finds its source in you that makes us not only discover but also to live. You are love in action. You have been the demonstration perfect for this reality. You have allowed the love of God the Father for humanity is not just a simple statement but a reality in the fact that every human being can experience. How could I be indifferent to this expression of your love, divine love, for me poor and miserable sinner, knowing that even the most fortunate of this world could not pay the price for the forgiveness of their sins and to book their your place in paradise. Nothing in this world could meet the requirement of our Creator God to enable us to find his true image in us since lost sinful rebellion of our ancestors Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, YOU who is equal with God because you are his eternal Son and his creative Word, you have told your heavenly Father: "Behold, I come for the Lamb who host the sin of the world . Therefore, the laboratory was heavenly and divine implemented to use a human instrument of the lowest, a young virgin girl named Mary, to achieve the incarnation of the divine incarnation among your people, you Jesus Christ which are the Word of God. Yes, you agreed to come into this world to become incarnate, taking on the human, dying on the cross for our sins, and all that, because the love of God the Father could not prove otherwise to meet the greatest need of humanity lost. Lord Jesus Christ, you have demonstrated on behalf of the Holy Trinity is loving act for the good of others. It is through your act of rescue lost humanity that allows us to understand the depth of God's love manifest in thy person for all mankind and validated by each person who believes in you. Lord Jesus Christ, you sow in the heart of every person who truly knew you divine love that will produce fruit in the person who manifest presence of God's love in the heart of the man or woman who was really in touch with you. When your love is absent in the hearts of those who claim to have known you, your lack of love in them is evidence that they follow you without knowing you because you're in their head and their heart away. Living a Christian life without love is crucify you again. Gospel is distorted tone. That being agents of the forces of darkness instead of your followers in your image processed and authorized by you to promote your virtues The first is the love from which all your other virtues. Refusing to live your love is to refuse to experience the power of your resurrection. Oh! How we need that this prayer of the Apostle Paul addressed the church in favor of Thessaloniki is also exalted for us Church of Jesus Christ of 21 th century: "The Lord is growing more and more of you and in respect of all, that we love ourselves for you to strengthen your hearts so that they may be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints! "(1 Thessalonians 3: 12,13). Lord Jesus Christ, helping to discover your love around me becoming an actor for many, yes, by doing daily for the good of my fellowmen and thus glorify thy holy name. Amen! .

Your friend and brother in Christ, Pastor Samuel


To meet our thinking here Email: See other thoughts: Archive on Christian thoughts or opening a link from our partners: A tour to Burkina Faso on ; Thoughts of the Week

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Gozegba Pastor Rudolph, Central, replied on 15/12/2009:

Beloved in the Lord hello ... I'll answer later, but I really want to congratulate you and thank you for the outstanding efforts you are about to perform for our God. Continue in this direction! Congratulations especially to the new team in place. All I want and I can ask God is that God can help you and make sure his work can work well. Heart goes out to you, I greet all the congregation of God and the new team. Tell them that I think of them and I will not forsake them in prayer. I bless the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Sincerely, Pastor Rudolph

*************************************** ***************************** Ms. Jeanine

CROS, France, responded December 15, 2009: Thank

Samuel for the latest good news, and thought of the week.

is with joy that we can give thanks to God who hears prayers. May He help us to love as He loved us, to love without expecting anything in return, if not approval, that we know him as saying: "Father forgive those who hurt us, You gave us a lawyer Jesus Christ, and Comforter, the Spirit of truth, we know we can count on your loyalty, and fight in your Holy Name (1 Samuel 17. 45). That His great love sustain you, and fill our hearts. Fraternally.


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Pastor Jean-Marc, France, on 14/12/2009, we address his encouragement for the creation of IEEA,

My dear Samuel,
the formation of the alliance is an important and necessary for the progress of your development projects of the work. It is therefore an opportunity to rejoice with you because she demonstrates your trust in Him in whose name it was created, along with your desire to ensure that his work is visible and publicly acknowledged. May He grant you the grace to see your wishes come true extension of his work to restore souls who find in him the assurance of their daily food as spiritual and material.
Receive, my dear Samuel, and all the brothers, although fraternal greetings.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Custom Car With Red Bandana

Christian Thought:" Do you serve is to walk in your footsteps "

The following thoughts ed Christian God puts me in my heart for my friends Net:

Te serve , is walk in your not "

" If anyone serves me, follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant . If someone serves the Father will honor him "(John 12: 26).

You can send this prayer to the One who not our flash:

Lord Jesus Christ, you who enlighten my steps. I need your help and your help to walk and keep walking in your footsteps. Te serve , is walk in your steps. It is easier to proclaim himself to be one of your servants as being a servant who walks in your footsteps. That is why today, many who say they are your servants are far from you look like. We are often the caricature of a reality that seems to have lost its vitality because the reality of your identity can not find people willing to make it reflect in all its vitality. However you serve, it is also walking in your footsteps. Walking in your footsteps, it's like you walking in your light. This is done as thou hast done. Is to speak as you spoke. It's love as you loved. It means having compassion as you had compassion. It is to be peace-loving and justice as you have been. It is living in the truth because you are truth. C is able to forgive as you have forgiven us. It means being willing to suffer for your Kingdom as you have suffered to bring the foundations of your kingdom on earth at the cost of your life. All this is what you wanted to tell us when you said: " If anyone serves me, follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him "(John 12: 26). Oh! How far we are worthy to be your disciples to name, that is to say that is like you; servants who walk in your footsteps, that is to say that live the message they preach and teach . Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us because we ECLIPSON reality of yourself and your virtues that we must reflect. It why your light is flickering in us and in this world which increases its darkness by our lack of light. Our contemporaries no longer find the correct fixes, because thy servants refuse to walk in your footsteps. Their light becomes darkness. They have become more blind than the blind because no one is more blind than he who sees and who refuses to see. So today, many churches which claim to name your name does not really fit and the words "entertainment club" would suit them better than the word church whose nature and mandate is to be the column of justice and support truth. C is true, Lord Jesus Christ, that even in those churches that resembles "entertainment clubs, you will have your church, the true Church. You will have genuine Christians who carry within them the seed of your life. They look like the good seed in pounds. They are good seeds, Christians who have sincere faith, that fear thy name, who have to live a godly life to give glory to your name by committing to reflect your light shining in their heart and their communities that want to invade the darkness to reign supreme. Yes, that true Christians are persecuted "these clubs distraction" that bear the name of the church because they are trying to rekindle the flame of your life and choking off because of the large number of unbelievers who come and churches that transform your club entertainment "because simply attracted by the" flashy religious "and not because they are truly born again and are not there in the church to edify their souls and those of other brothers and sisters in Christ and to prepare for a life of holiness still awaiting your glorious return. Lord Jesus Christ, you were dethroned in many churches and no longer occupies the place of Lord because dethroned as the hearts of many of their members and their leaders. True Christians know that God does not bury the dead churches but would work to wake them up. Therefore Lord Jesus Christ, you always brings life within the churches to prevent them dying to die because your promise to his Church, is true: "... I will build my Church, and the gates of the residence dead shall not prevail against it "(Matthew 16: 18). What comfort for us that this promise of you brings. We know that the true Church , your church continues to exist despite all through the ages and nothing can make it disappear, not even the corruption of this world. Your true Church is distinguished by your light shines in the hearts of true Christians in all churches which claim to your name and no matter the different names that each door. It is the presence of your life in the hearts of true believers, born again and regenerated by your Holy Spirit that united all true Christians around the world in one, true church is important for you and name names that are much more like the political-religious system and the identity of the Church that you promised to build and against which the gates of hell shall not prevail. Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your great love for your church and your life remains the same seed in the "entertainment clubs" who invoke your name. Ta seed of life will do its work within them, wake them up with all the resources at your specialty, to prevent them from dying since you have no cemetery to bury the dead churches. This is why you question them and brings each one starting to deviate from your path and leads you to walk in your footsteps and give honor to your glorious name. Your church is and will continue to exist because it is not to identify with a religious system is to protect the interests of the system that your interests are also often overshadow these religious systems. That's why you refused to indentify the religious system of your time. It is also because of the choice you made, which made your light has not been corrupted and your truth has not been altered. Although this choice, you had to pay with your life, because they are religious you one who is crucified on the cross . you were ready to defend your life from truth and justice that brings light into our hearts. This was also the vocation that you call your true followers and your true church that can not be bribed and let the flame of your life stop light to shine in this dark world. The true Christian and the true Church find their identity in you Lord Jesus Christ and know the store remaining in you. Lord Jesus Christ, you who is the light of the world, way, truth and life, help me walking in your footsteps to be worthy of bearing the name to be called your servant. Blessed be your glorious forever name. Amen! .

Your friend and brother in Christ, Pastor

Samuel SANOU

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Gozegba Pastor Rudolph, Central, replied Dec. 9, 2009:

Hello beloved in the Lord,

... I do not forget you and I never stopped praying for you but also for different activities you wish to make. May God continue blessing and many spiritual fruits can happen! That everything you want to do right now is an event where the Lord is glorified. Let me tell you that I am really touched through everything you do ...

May God bless you and that you support. Pastor Rudolph

Tel. 236 72 01 86 00

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Pastor Jean-Marc AUSSET, France, replied Dec. 8, 2009:

My dear Samuel,
is a joy to see all these brothers and sisters gathered to celebrate the praises of our Lord and communion in his holy name. I have no doubt that the Lord will call others to join you in this spirit of adoration and desire to serve Him, the Savior, He is the Lord of the universe.
Like you, I think the opponent makes every effort to divert the children of God in their vocation of faithful witnesses. For this, he infiltrates the church with false Christians and false shepherds to lead communities according to principles of life and thought which are not those of the Gospel. It does not suddenly to avoid giving the warning, but insidiously turning off gradually in the light of truth, creating a dark atmosphere conducive to the development and dissemination of the so-cons.
The Lord knew these things when He said to his disciples:
"beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravenous wolves" Matthew 7 v 15
L Apostle Paul, who did not experience, wrote to the Corinthians:
"These men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not strange if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be according to their works. "2 Cor 11 v 13-15.
More than ever we must be vigilant and watch over the flock of the Lord in humility, bearing in mind the warning:" that whoever is standing beware fall! "
is why your exhortation to his feet in the footprints of Jesus is more than ever. It is our light that illuminates our path. It is the path that leads us into truth. It is the word of God speaks to us and advise us and leads us. He is our elder brother who calls us and teaches us by his example.
It is our most faithful friend who is willing to hear all of us without his love for us not lose its intensity, more than our friend, our confidant, and it is our advisor. He is our advocate who takes our defense when the opponent or one of its human agents are accused and is trying to disqualify.
It is the only source of our love for His Father and our brothers and even to our enemies. Through him, we can forgive those who hurt us and who can be our brothers. Forgiveness is such a pinnacle of expression of agape love, the more painful to climb because to do so, he must divest himself of himself and put on Christ, as He did on the cross of Calvary . "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!" This
He granted me forgiveness, He wants me to give too! Mission impossible if I do not get him the resources necessary to accomplish it love! But
, mission possible, though I walk through my feet in his footprints!
May the Lord be your guide during the year that i will open and you rejoice. My prayers
with you.

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Jeanine Cros, France replied Dec. 8, 2009:

Thank you Samuel, for the edifying prayer! . Let the word of the Lord continues to do his work in the hearts of those who suffer with Christ, and the honor of his great name ... Those who suffer with Him shall also reign with Him! . Let thanks for protecting our Eternal Father, who knows his people and supports them!. Still fighting in prayer, so that as many know his forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Samuel bless it, you and all those who love the Lord with a pure heart. In His love.


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ARIA Gerard, France, replied on 12/07/2009:

hello to both thank you for the lesson of courage and humility that you provide.

Gerard ARIA

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Christian David, France, replied Dec. 7, 2009:

Thank You for your sermons I read and are full of serenity and faith .... a Catholic base that I made first communion and so on. .. But I no longer believe: studies made me realize something else, but I read your prose with pleasure and I thank you my brother

You and Yours CD continues