Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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church for the clergy.

I take this opportunity to present two beautiful books to remind you what kinds of books are found under the heading of " church books "and what is their content. With this small class, necessarily schematic and incomplete, bibliopégimanes most exclusive bibliophiles will become enlightened. One can even imagine that some will no longer say: fine book ... but he errs by its content!

Everything is written in the title page, in fact! We must, as a first step, verify that there is no confusion between a book for clergy and a book for believers. It's more complicated than it seems ... You should know that the border between these two types of codes is not always clear and that nothing prevents a lay person to read a bible and a priest to have a book of hours in my pocket ... But this classification exists.

content of all these works is composed of prayers, readings mainly taken from the Bible and meditation subjects. We deal in a first post of the liturgical books reserved for the clergy, in a second ticket books for faithful then we will discuss the works of Christian spirituality and reflection. We will approach the Holy Bible last.

Books for clergy, religious and religious

The best known is the Missal. It is important to distinguish the missal for the celebrant (altar missal), the prayer book (or parishioner) for the faithful. The Missal is a liturgical book begins with the appearance in 1474. There were 1937 editions of the XIX century. Robert Amiet gives a supplement, published in 1990, 311 new missals or in any editions of 2248 ... So if you are collectors of missals, plan large shelves! To simplify, we can say that the missal allows the celebrant of the Mass say ordinary parishioner and to follow whatever the time of year. The Eucharist, sacrament by which the priest repeats the words and gestures of Christ at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday is the cornerstone of the celebration.

The breviary is a liturgical book that celebrates the Catholic Divine Office. It is a book of prayer that the daily rhythm of the priest. The Divine Office thus consists of the succession of Hours also called canonical hours. At regular intervals, the clerk stops in its activity to meditate on his breviary. This follows the liturgical calendar of the year in 4 parties correspondant aux saisons de l'année. Les principaux éléments qui le composent sont : Des psaumes, des cantiques bibliques, des hymnes, des lectures de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, des commentaires des Pères de l’Église et la vie des saints. On y trouve, le plus souvent, l’office de vêpres du dimanche et des jours de fêtes, parfois les offices d’autres Heures ou leurs adaptations.

Le graduel est un livre liturgique catholique qui est un recueil des chants grégoriens qui peuvent être chantés à la messe ou comme le clergé régulier (les moines) plusieurs fois par jour pendant different offices. It may be in the form of antiphonal folio format. The musical notation of the liturgical books is the Gregorian, written at different times, brought on four or five lines. The notes are square. After Vatican II, the musical notation text is modern. Some of the most popular songs or some songs are sung during the Ordinary of the Mass and that is why we will find them in the parishioners.

Rituals are works for clerics to practice ceremonies outside of the Mass Ordinary. Jean-Baptiste Molin and Annik Aussedat répertorient-Minvielle, 1984, 2952 and rituals processionals French. The celebration of baptism is part of the ritual, for example. In addition, there is a ritual of the Eucharist outside Mass, used for communion to the sick. The marriage , the sacrament by which a man and a woman unite before God finally exchanging their consent is one. The funeral are not in the list but their celebration of the sacraments is part of the ritual. As many rituals as events where the presence of a cleric is essential So ...

Other works, more specific, there you will find the list on the web. I present a copy here with a Roman Vesper is a book containing the prayers of the evening (Vespers and Compline). Again, this book may seem destined exclusively to the priest, is not and this is clear from the preface where it is stated: It was important that this item was placed within reach of everyone: This book has become necessary for the priests serving the parishes and it is even more to the faithful who know the chant and sing to help the Office divine.

backs to the liturgical books, the priest or religious has access to other books church that will help him in his priesthood. This may be Psalters (collections of poetic prayers of the Bible, often already present in the breviary), Documents of the Catholic Church and religious journals, testimonies of Christians and for most scholars, works of theology (interpretation of sacred texts) or Patristics (the study of works of the fathers of the church). For information, the only Latin Patristics Abbe Migne comprises 217 volumes representing 297 567 pages and 2,614 authors and Greek Patristics, nearly 161 volumes in quarto!

The liturgical works are often presented in beautiful bindings strong, which delights the eye and does honor to the cult. Those I do not escape this rule. In Vesper were added prayers for rain. I could not find a prayer for snow on top Doubs ;-)) Peter

COLLECTIVE. Short of the Roman Gradual (...) increased mass trumpet that of the Abbe Bonaudi, the thérique and celestite ... A Lyon in Tournachon-Molin, 1807. Strong in 12. Full morocco binding cherry, flat boxes of nets and a pretty lace, smooth spine decorated with gilt and lace patterns (heart pierced, etc ...), all slices and cuts golden. Endpapers colored paper. Fine copy in Binding of time. Ex-libris of Father Constant, pastor of St. Trophime at that time. Minor defects in binding. Interior perfect. € 140 + shipping

COLLECTIVE. Vesper New Roman for Sundays and holidays of the year. A Lyon in Tournachon-Molin, 1806. Strong in 12. Full binding morocco cherry, flat boxes of nets and a pretty lace, smooth spine decorated with gilt and lace patterns (heart pierced, etc ...), all slices and cuts golden. Endpapers colored paper. Fine copy in Binding of time. Ex-libris of Father Constant, pastor of St. Trophime at that time. Minor defects in binding. Interior perfect. € 140 + shipping


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