Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Acute Leukemia More Condition_symptoms

Young girls abducted by Lamignac

One day a young girl kept her flock in the mountains, a Lamignac came to her, took her on his back, and won, while it shouted with all his might, in the cave of Lamignac Aussurucq. She stayed there four years and gave him bread Lamignac white as snow they were doing to themselves and other foods if good we could do better. She had a three year old son she had with Lamignac. One day when they had gone to entertain on the moor of Mendi with wild men, big, strong and rich were called Moors, and she was left alone in the cave with her son, she told him to stay in silence, and she would return in a moment. But she ran away and came running to the house where his parents found it difficult to recognize.

Another story about a woman held against her will in the underworld, and, like princesses enchanted castles, can be issued only one time year, and under certain conditions.
A shepherd saw one day in the cave of Mount Ohry a young lady was painting with a golden comb. She said:
- If you want to pull your back to the cave, the day of Saint John, I'll give you everything you desire. But whatever you may see on your way, you should not frighten you.
Shepherd promised, and the day of Saint John, he took the lady on his back and prepared to remove it. But seeing all kinds of beasts, a dragon and flame-thrower, he was seized with fear, dropped his load and fled. The woman uttered a shriek and said
- Cursed be my fate! I am condemned to live another thousand years in this cave!


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