Friday, February 18, 2011

What Kind Of Shampoo Do Hawaiians Use

The Devil's Bridge at Petite cascade of Mortain (50)

In these photos, you notice a bridge.
It is associated with a legend
it is called the Devil's Bridge

The Legend of Devil's Bridge
The last hurricane had any spill across the valley of the Cance, under the walls the castle of Mortain, and remove for the tenth time the bridge built across the raging torrent, ahead of the Pas-du-Diable, almost at the foot of the famous rock known as the needle and may be the best that the monolithic nature has created in the entire Normandy.
- very clever one who redo a bridge over the Cance said an old mocking. Our river has a bad temper, she always win everything in its furious leaps.
- costs nothing to try, "said another.
- What! Nothing costs, you say? It was nice to try all means, dig deep banks, broaden the ravine, we never managed to do anything that could withstand the shocks of rapid waters. Who knows how many drinks are cold!
- No, said a third party. So far no bridge has withstood hurricanes, but we will succeed in the end with persistence.
- The bridge is essential for us! cried a group.
- It is impossible, "said the mocking.
- Nonsense! it is necessary and all that is needed one day becomes executable and feasible.

Thereupon they began to quarrel strong and firm. All began to talk at once, the heads were heated. Each took his neighbor or his vis-à-vis party. Soon there was disagreement even more. Maybe we would move from words to deeds, when we saw him enter the room a stranger dressed in black. His way of looking at people astonished.
- Why do you argue? he asked.
We immediately put it in the current discussion.
- a bridge! he exclaimed. It is a small business: I undertake to build one in less than a week.
- You! And how do you ask for it? cried one of all sides. - I ask nothing, absolutely nothing. We do not even pay tribute to cross my bridge!
- Everyone can pass. But I need a hostage ... The first to cross the bridge follow me!
The market was immediately accepted.

It solemnly sprinkled the contents of a few good glasses and are struck in the hand.
Suddenly, our first speaker became frightfully pale and lost his composure, he felt his hand in contact with a sharp claw. He wanted to say, but before he could utter a word, the stranger had vanished in smoke: the black man was none other than the devil.
is dispersed in silence, they were all sobered up, and did not know what to say.

The next morning at first light of day, the surprise of the inhabitants of the town was great.
The morning was spent in comments. A new bridge, beautiful this time united the two shores of the flowering Cance. All went hastily into the deep valley to contemplate. Only
drinkers of the day, that is to say, those who had witnessed the contract prevented that one should engage the deck.

were visible on the other side of the bridge on the opposite shore, the black man hidden behind an oak. He seemed to wait patiently until we want to send him hostage. However
the crowd gathered beneath the walls of the fortress. She became choppy and did not know what to do, when a young man, who had heard, too market conditions, advanced alone towards the end of the bridge. It trembled for him, but curiosity about what would happen prevailed. He then quietly opened a small canvas bag he held in his hand, brought forth a kitten all black. After the fire with a stone fragment and a piece of iron, he lighted a candle resin he moved to one of the animal's feet, and suddenly threw on the deck. Laughter and screams erupted immediately and the poor kitty ran away with all tabs to the one who was on the alert by pushing the meowing of suffering.
Immediately the young man came in the wake of the feline and hurried to plant a cross on one of the pillars of the bridge.

Beelzebub did not specify what kind of living thing was to pass the bridge first ... Then in his fury, he began to reverse the pines and oaks on the rocks and the rocks shoved against the bridge. But the cross prevented him from destroying his own work: the pieces of rock collided in vain against the arch surmounted by the Holy Cross. They fell on the banks of ways such that they formed two buttresses that protected them for centuries the Devil's Bridge, whose name survived the hurricanes and the ravages of the storm.



Photos: Stefen
Aby and Jerome


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