Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Watch South Park Fishsticks

reservists Mayenne

This type of recommendation prefecture is perhaps a matter of routine. It was, for now, largely unrecognized, and we admit that after four years of experience in Sarkozia legs can give you a tingling in the toes.

(All goalies will tell you that that is why they feel they will do a good "release".)

Here text distributed to teachers of college Andouillé (Mayenne) , as reproduced by Véronique Soulé, a journalist with Liberation, on his blog "This is class!".

"Mr. Reeve wishes to advise that the period provided for elections (20 and 27 March), will begin Monday, February 14, 2011 and will last until Sunday, March 27 inclusive. It is therefore , asked officials of the State (and Territorial Administration) to avoid participation during this period, public events likely to be of a pre-election, or by discussions that could become involved, either because of the personality organizers and their guests.

During the election period, which begins March 7, they are also asked to refrain from taking part in any public ceremony, until March 27 inclusive. "

Teachers which, as we know, play a scratch, were initially thought to a "hoax " and eventually go to their direction:

"The principal said it was well her, she received the paper every year through official channels and that she had passed this time because it also concerned the territorial agents. She also saw what might not offend us. "

It is true that we do not always see all ...

And for his troops to see that there was not much to " offend" Madam main display was the original " mail the head of the Division of partnership actions, information and communication, Inspection academic" and " the IA sent to all principals of the department .

Reserve School of Andouillé view plane.
(Photo: Site of the rector of Nantes.)

This " reserve period", the prefect of Mayenne is to define guidelines, adds to this famous and smoky " reserve duty" which state officials would be subjected without his Figure in status . We always talk vaguely of this duty which is also called "reserve requirement " and sometimes like to add a bit of confusion, "Reserve right" - including in official notes . Which does not invoke more often attempts to support sanctions discipline.

To enlighten us, we can find considerations as bright as the following:

The principle of neutrality of public service prohibits any official from using his office for any propaganda whatsoever: political, religious, trade union ...

The principle of neutrality of public service not to the employee to his position in any instrument of propaganda. The scope of this duty is assessed on a case by case basis by the supervisory authority under control of the administrative judge.

The reserve requirement is a judicial construction complex that varies in intensity according to various criteria (instead of the official in the hierarchy, the circumstances in which he spoke, terms and forms of expression).

We understand that this "judicial construction " aims mainly to encourage the staff to build a legal caution up to self-censorship ...

approved design in the public service.
(Photo: House Museum Masons.)

The " reserve "established during the period of the same name is drawn in a much more explicit. From 14 February to 6 March," State officials (and the territorial administration) "should" avoid participating ( ...) in public events likely to be of a pre-election, or by discussions that could become involved, either because of the personalities of the organizers and their guests ", and March 7 to 27, they should, in addition, " refrain from taking part in any public ceremony .

Can you be more clear ?

Many will be the opinion of Madam Principal, saying there was not to "offend " of this circular, usually at election time, does not introduce anything really new and, in addition seems worded little imperative. Some add that memory official, no one has ever been questioned because of the establishment of a " reserve period.

If there is no reason to be "offended " - as this term is completely irrelevant - you can still find reasons to worry about keeping gender provisions.

A prefect, though by profession attached to a certain administrative routine, is not generally a maniac of the gratuitous act in the delicate area of the circular ... The tone used in it may seem very kind and very restrictive, but there are accustomed to recognize this idiom administrative fine to the old, steeped in old-fashioned elegance, even when behind a nice conditional means a firm requirement. In this dialect, "it would be desirable" means "must."

Finally, it has not escaped you that, for nearly four years, we live under a full " transition" - the word is in fashion - authoritarian, ready to enact, or reactivate any regulations that run counter to fundamental freedoms.

And this without any reservation.


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