Thursday, February 17, 2011

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cretins have no ear

When I entered school Communal Bouseuville lès Trifouillis, one of the most popular name-calling was "moron of the Alps!"

was cute.

But there was more than half a century.

I quickly learned, I learned quickly because at the time, if cretinism had virtually disappeared, not only the Alps but also from other French regions, the idiocy was a thing of the world's most widespread.

Because "they" are everywhere.

Even in the Gard!

It comes, in fact, discover a handful of diehards morons rooted in this beautiful county. It seems they are paired, mated and reproduced. They have become "parents", which does not help their case already worrisome because they have a great sense innate heritage (of course): they do not see why their children are less morons that 'themselves.

Some of these sad idiots, parents of the combination of teaching inter-communal Pine and Saint-Pons-la-Calm in the Gard, were keen to know they were "surprised that their children learn a song in Arabic school . It has, therefore, taken the initiative to contact all other parents courageously anonymous letter denouncing the teaching practices of amazing teacher in charge of the class of CP-CE1.

It is probably worth pointing out that this alleged " Arabic song" is a bilingual lullaby, written by Gabriel Yared, who accompanies the beginning of the animated film Azur and Asmar (2006), directed by Michel Ocelot . The projection of this film for children, three months ago, was done under very institutionalized of the "device" and cinema School, established by Education National, with various partners, including CNC (Centre National du Cinema and the moving image). The study of this little song by students who viewed the film is part of what is officially called by the name, fairly clear, " accompanying educational work."

Click on image to access the page
National Center for Educational Documentation.

Our morons could express their surprise on learning that would work in class on the topics covered by this cartoon that seem more disturbing, in their view of morons, that the few Arabic words of the song. But they probably do not care about what is done in school - indeed, for them, there is nothing there ...

After three months they have had enough of hearing Arabic at home - as the child of CP, or even CE1, hum, do you know ...

And they took their best pen:

"We parents at a time when certain categories of people whistling the Marseillaise, we ask the question:" Why not, instead of Arab songs, teach our Marseillaise our children ? "

They received, on this point, a reassuring answer of the school, their children will learn well" our Marseillaise ".

Despite the explanations, meetings, meetings, it is assuming it does not deflate their acrimony.

is that it is a long-term educational work that illuminate the reason for a moron.

I hope the professor questioned, and colleagues who support it will receive all necessary support locally.

importantly that their superiors will continue, too, strongly support them. And despite the sharp questioning at the head of the state, " multiculturalism."

Small child gets big ...

But it must be difficult to grow in this narrow space between the walls erected by the cretins at the age where the discoveries were the colors of wonder!

hope these children to keep long in the ear a few of the beauties of the Arabic language they have sung in their small school Gard. Perhaps they will understand better than their parents, the secret pride de Naguib Mahfouz, au début de son discours de réception du prix Nobel de littérature, en 1988, à Stockholm :

Avant tout, je tiens à remercier l'Académie suédoise et son comité Nobel d'avoir prêté attention à ma longue et persévérante entreprise. Je vous demanderai de faire preuve de tolérance en m'écoutant, car je m'adresse à vous dans une langue que vous êtes nombreux à ne pas connaître. Mais c'est elle la véritable lauréate de ce prix et il n'est donc que justice que sa mélodie flotte pour la première fois sur cette oasis de culture et de civilisation.

Naguib Mahfouz savait très bien qu'apprécier the melody of the language he had illustrated so beautifully was not just a question of tolerance, but ear ...

But morons, really, have no ear.

PS: The French translation by Francis Marie-Saad, the acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize was first published in 2001 by Editions de l'Aube, in a collection of short stories by Naguib Mahfouz, entitled The old neighborhood .


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